Shila Ghosh | 81
Shila Ghosh is from India and moved to San Francisco to be near her children. She has taken it all in. She loves going to her local senior center, On Lok 30th Street Senior Center, which switched to Zoom during the pandemic, and walking. She loves traveling, seeing new places, and trying new foods. During the pandemic she did Zoom classes regularly, hour long walks to the beach, and would take her time reading the weekend papers. She did not see the pandemic as slowing her down, she stayed as engaged and active as ever.
Interview date: 12/9/20
Referred and interviewed by: Melissa Bravo (On Lok 30th Street Senior Center)
Edited by True Medusa Pictures. Music by Soundology.
Anna Chodos:
Hello, and welcome to 80 Over 80 San Francisco, a campaign to profile 80 people who are in their eighties and older and live in our city.
I'm Anna [Chodos 00:00:16], the campaigns director, and as our city ages, the goal of this campaign is to celebrate our older residents. We're doing audio, video and written profiles. And as you'll see, even the ordinary is extraordinary after 80.
You're about to hear a conversation with Shila Ghosh, who's 81 at the time of the interview, and Melissa Bravo, the activities director of Unlock at the time, in December, 2020. Shila is originally from India and moved to San Francisco to live with a family member. What you'll hear from her, is really her zest for life. She's very active socially, physically, mentally, and she loves all the things about San Francisco, especially all the great food. I hope you enjoy this conversation.
Melissa Bravo:
So hi, my name is Melissa Bravo. I work for 30th Street Senior Center as the activities program manager. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. Can you tell me your full name and your age?
Shila Ghosh:
My name is Shila Ghosh, S-H-I-L-A, G-H-O-S-H. Shila Ghosh.
Melissa Bravo:
And your age?
Shila Ghosh:
80. I was born 1939, January 16.
Melissa Bravo:
Okay. How would you describe yourself to others, or how would your family and friends describe you?
Shila Ghosh:
Friends told me that, "You are very friendly."
Melissa Bravo:
So you're friendly, you like to help people.
Shila Ghosh:
Yes, right, right.
Melissa Bravo:
Yeah. Anything else you would like to add?
Shila Ghosh:
I like to talk, I like to go outside for a walk and lot of exercise. I go to any kind of senior club, because I want to do exercise, all activities, and friendship and chatting.
Melissa Bravo:
When did you come to San Francisco and why?
Shila Ghosh:
Okay, good question. My husband, me, my two children who lived in India, that east side, when my son, older than my daughter... One son, one daughter, when son, first son, came to US for study, and after that, my daughter. My daughter lived in New Jersey, my son, San Francisco. And then we, husband, wife, lived together and with my mother-in-law. Because Indian people like together, they enjoy family. So after my husband retire and he fall sick for 10 years, that many things, that diabetes, this and that. Passed.
When he retire, he work in the paper mill. So we moving around that India, many places. My place is East Calcutta, my city. But we moving even when he's 70 years old, yes, he mostly retired and came back to our home, the Calcutta, with my mother-in-law. And he suffered long and after he passed... My mother-in-law died, and then after that, two years after, my husband died, when he was 72 years old. And he's older than me, 7 years older than me. And when he died, my son in between came here, San Francisco. My son is very interested. When he married, he took her wife after marry, he took her wife to India and stayed there one year with us. So my daughter-in-law know my habit. My habit is fully different for her. So when he ask me, "Mom, will you come with us?" I said, "Yes. What I'll do here? No one, only my niece, nephew or 1, 2 sisters. And then I came with. He went there and took me here 2004, October. So until, I am here.
Melissa Bravo:
Wow. That's amazing. So what do you enjoy about living in San Francisco?
Shila Ghosh:
I enjoyed lot of things, because when I came here, I saw they take care of people, children, senior. When I came here that time, I almost 65. 2, 3 months later, I become 65 and I saw, "Oh my goodness. They care for... " And senior club also, a lot of senior club mixing. Nowadays, maybe in India also because I lived there 16 years. So maybe, but our time we have not so much. So when I came, I was very interested, and I adopt the country very fast, because I like their food, Mexican food, or I am not choosy. Very simple. So I like this country.
Melissa Bravo:
Yeah. That's great, yeah. Here in San Francisco, you can find food from all over the world. It's such a amazing city because there's so much diversity. So it's pretty amazing.
Shila Ghosh:
Many old people, they don't like other country or other city's food, but I am not like this.
Melissa Bravo:
That's great. That's good to hear. You get to enjoy more of everything, that's great.
Okay, so now we're going to talk a little bit about pandemic and COVID-19. So when we are not sheltering in place, where are your favorite places to go? So this is before COVID. What were some places that you enjoyed?
Shila Ghosh:
Okay. My son and daughter-in-law like traveling, they have no children. They don't want to. So they visited many countries, my son and daughter-in-law. And when I came here, they took me many places. Maybe altogether six, seven. I did not count. And I also went to Mexico.
Melissa Bravo:
Wow, you went to Mexico.
Shila Ghosh:
Melissa Bravo:
Where is it? Veracruz?
Shila Ghosh:
Melissa Bravo:
Wow, that's amazing. That's so great.
Shila Ghosh:
Melissa Bravo:
Wow, so you like to travel then too, huh?
Shila Ghosh:
Yeah. I like to travel.
Melissa Bravo:
That's amazing.
Shila Ghosh:
And USA, I travel a lot places, because when I there to New Jersey, my daughter's, daughter have two children. When they were child, from this time I was there, and they went many places in USA by car, and I went with them. So inside US also, I went to many places.
Melissa Bravo:
Oh, that's so great. I love that.
Shila Ghosh:
It's lucky. I'm very lucky.
Melissa Bravo:
That's amazing. Your family sounds lovely.
Shila Ghosh:
Melissa Bravo:
How about here in San Francisco? Do you like to go to parks or the theater?
Shila Ghosh:
When I came that time, first I asked my son where I can go. Then he find my daughter-in-law also finding the Google, and they told me that this club, senior club, other places. And just then I started to go. That time, our... near but not near walk. From this time, I can walk. One senior club, 37... that Fulton Senior Club. I went there. After that, now... Oh yeah, I start learning English to City College. So from there I meet some Mexican lady, two, three. They told me that 38 Senior Club. I leave that, away from there, that 21st Avenue, California. So two buses. And they told me this scenario, when I start going, I loved that.
Melissa Bravo:
What does a typical day look like for you now, and how is it different from your days before?
Shila Ghosh:
Okay. But no, I am not too depressed, because previous, I went to the club and mixed with other. And here my six, eight Indian friend also, we go together, two, three friend, and eat outside. Now I cannot do that, but because no one come to me. But every day I fix everything. That every day I do Zoom, two, three Zoom. And after that, my son... My house is near to that ocean, Baker Beach. So not for only, very nice place. And I walk every day, one hour. I enjoy the nature, day by day. Now I like nature very much. So I'm not depressed. And rest of the time, I read my book, paper, Sunday paper coming that New York Time, and I read it. It'll take long time, three or four days. And also I cook, three days a week for my son and me, Indian cook.
Melissa Bravo:
How has technology changed your life on a personal level?
Shila Ghosh:
Not much, because not change, but I like my iPhone. iPhone, genuine, I like. Socialize. And laptop also. But it is very hard to listen that. My son here, and before that my niece granddaughter like this, they teach me. Go, they teaching me, but I forgot. I mistake. It's very hard for us, but I try to.
Melissa Bravo:
Yeah. Do you feel like it has helped you, through this pandemic, it has helped you learn a new skill, and help you keep connected, I guess, with other individuals as well?
Shila Ghosh:
Yeah. That's why my life is easygoing. Pandemic, I'm not bored. I'm not lying down, and I am not thinking, "What I will do? Nothing." No. Lot of it.
Melissa Bravo:
What have you done lately that made you happy?
Shila Ghosh:
First thing I keep myself very healthy, touch wood. I regret when I came from New Jersey this year, first March, and suddenly environment and lockdown not start, but my son believed that it was COVID maybe. Because after 15 days, after March 26... no, I forgot, 26 maybe, I fell down from bathroom when I dress up, and when I... I couldn't understand, I fell down first time in my life, fell down here. And my son, daughter-in-law came upstairs. And this time also lockdown was start. And fell down and cut little bit, and they call 911 and shipped me that emergency. They don't allow them to come inside. These two days I was there, and they found that I had blood pressure. For that I fell down. But it was my regret, because once past time, except two children I went to the hospital and start medicine. But four, five years before, I start inhaler. And it was my degree that, why I fell down? Because now what happened? Every time if I make some noise or bottle drop and both come in, "What happened? What?" Because I am 81. It is my very regret, why I feel down.
Melissa Bravo:
You sound very healthy, very self-aware. Okay, so this is the last question. Describe one of the most defining moments in your life. Or you can say something like what is your most favorite memory that you have?
Shila Ghosh:
When my husband proposed me. Because he was my boyfriend. This time also, we love each other and he was my relatives. Relatives means brother's wife brother, cross connection. And first, when he came to me, visit me, and he said that, my nickname called, and, "I love you. I like you." I was really happy.
Melissa Bravo:
Oh, that's so sweet. Yeah.
Shila Ghosh:
Do you know that, yeah, maybe 50, 60 years back. No, that time I was 20. I was 20 years old, so 60, yeah.
Melissa Bravo:
Wow. That's beautiful. I'm still waiting for my Prince Charming. So that's awesome. That's so great. That's lovely.
Okay, well, thank you so much for this interview.
Anna Chodos:
80 Over 80 SF is edited by True Medusa Pictures and Calibrate Films for our video, Ozzy Llinas-Goodman for our audio, and our music is by Soundology. We've been supported by some amazing organizations, the Metta Fund, the Community Living Campaign and Senior Power. We've partnered with the Department of Disability and Aging Services and their end agism campaign. The Division of Geriatrics at UCSF, and multiple community organizations to connect with older San Franciscans.
Please check out our website,, for more information about the campaign, to find other profiles and to meet our great team. Thank you and see you soon.