Sister Rosemary McKean | 90
Sister Rosemary McKean moved to San Francisco not too long ago to live in community with other nuns in an assisted living. Before then she lived in San Jose for 50 years, where she was a teacher for elementary school children and those with learning disabilities. She retired in 2017. She is back to many of her pre-pandemic activities and a particular passion of hers is working on climate change and related environmental justice issues. Her advice to others is to “get involved, do your best to make {the world} better.”
Interview date: 3/29/22
Interviewed by: Lorina Sthapit
Referred by: Dr. Jocelyn Ko, On Lok PACE Program
Edited by True Medusa Pictures. Music by Soundology.
Photo by Lorina Sthapit.
Photo courtesy of Rosemary McKean.
Pictures of a trip to Ireland and her mother. Photo courtesy of Rosemary McKean.
Rosemary McKean is in the middle right photo and third from the left in the lower photo. Photos courtesy of Rosemary McKean.