Jack Anderson | 89
Jack Anderson projects energy and eccentricity. He is a San Francisco native and from a Jewish family. He attended Lowell, taught at SF State University and City College, and started the first visual Performing Arts Department for the city schools and Lowell High School, where he was ultimately the Department Head. Lowell held a lovely tribute to him at the school in 2016 (you can see it here). His family made other contributions to the city, including his sisters who started and ran the Anderson Sisters School of Dance in the Richmond. He is also very proud to have started an organization called the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame.
Interview date: 9/20/20
Interviewed by: Anna Chodos
Referred by: Nicky Trasviña
Edited by True Medusa Pictures. Music by Soundology.
Jack Anderson with dancers from the Anderson Sisters School of Dance in the Richmond. Photo courtesy of Jack Anderson.
Jack Anderson in the 1950s. Photo courtesy of Jack Anderson.
Jack Anderson in 2022. Photo courtesy of Jack Anderson.