Zhang Meng Chen | 82
Zhang Meng Chen was interviewed with his wife, Wan Ling Ma (78). He ran a business in China, and she was a physician and then worked in health care when they moved to the US. In their building, they are a resource and constant source of help for other residents. They also both described being more fearful and feeling less safe after the increase in attacks on older Asian residents in San Francisco.
They spoke in Cantonese, their preferred language, and we have a translation of the interview below. The video will have subtitles soon.
Interview date: 8/24/21
Interviewed by: Karen Yuan
Referred by: Wanda Liu
Edited by True Medusa Pictures. Music by Soundology.
Zhang Meng Chen. Photo courtesy of Zhang Meng Chen.
Zhang Meng Chen (right) and his wife Wan Ling Ma (left). Photo courtesy of Zhang Meng Chen and Wan Ling Ma.
Translation of interview:
by Linguaficient
Interviewer: May I please have your full name and age?
Zhang Meng Chen: My name is Chen Zhang Meng. Zhang Meng Chen. I’m 82 years old now.
Wan Ling Ma: I’m Wan Ling Ma, I’m 78 years old.
Interviewer: Could you share your life experience with us, and how would others describe you?
Zhang Meng Chen: I’m from Mainland China – Shanghai. I came to the U.S. in 1990 and I have been here for about 32 years. I came to the U.S. with my wife, my son and daughter. We came here to be reunited with our family. My wife’s parents and her brothers and sisters are all in the U.S. My brother is in the U.S. too.
Interviewer: How about you, Mrs. Chen?
Wan Ling Ma: Same with my husband, we came to the U.S. together. My parents lived here, so we met the family preference immigrant criteria and that’s how we came here. We used to live in Shanghai, but we are Cantonese. Most of our relatives were in Guangdong Province and only our family lived in Shanghai. Then most of my relatives moved to the U.S. We did too.
Interviewer: Why is San Francisco your favorite place to live?
Zhang Meng Chen: The weather, the food, the climate, and the environment are all very nice. San Francisco is indeed a good place, so we hope to stay here for a long-term.
Interviewer: What could we do to make San Francisco a better place to live?
Zhang Meng Chen: Well, when I first came here, the environment and weather really impressed me. There are lots of Chinese here. When you go to Chinatown, you will find lots of Chinese coming from Guangdong and Shanghai. The area is bustling with people, and we speak the same language. At first our English was not good. We felt good that we could still speak Mandarin, Shanghainese, and Cantonese. That’s why we really like living in this place.
Wan Ling Ma: There are lots of Chinese living in San Francisco, and the environment is nice. Though we only knew Chinese when we first came here, we learned English later through classes. This can really help new immigrants like us to adapt in this new environment, speaking English can help us find jobs more easily and fit in with English speakers.
Interviewer: Before COVID-19, where are your favorite places to go in San Francisco?
Zhang Meng Chen: Oh, before COVID-19, we almost visited all the places downtown when we had time because we are still healthy and hearty. And there’s been an improvement in our English. Yeah, the environment in San Francisco is really good.
Interviewer: Is there anything you’ve experienced in your life that compares to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how did you deal with it?
Zhang Meng Chen: No, this was also our first time to experience a pandemic. The incidents that we experienced in the past had a very small impact, unlike this time, COVID-19 affects everything. Ever since the coronavirus spread, we’ve rarely gone outside. We feared being infected with the virus at this age. It could be dangerous for our body. We worried it could affect our younger family members too. We have two grandkids; one is 5 years old and the other one just turned 1. Even if they came to visit us, we didn’t have any physical contact. Sometimes we just video call each other. This pandemic is very severe, and the experience is unforgettable.
Interviewer: Did the situation get better after you got vaccinated? Did you meet them?
Zhang Meng Chen: (Wan Ling Ma shook her head and said NO). Me and my wife got vaccinated; and so, did my son and daughter. I guess it did change the situation a bit. But my son worried during the pandemic since he had to drive for work. After he got vaccinated, he could come to visit us. We are very happy about it. If we didn’t get the jabs, we are afraid to catch the virus and our grandkids could be infected. We can’t let that happen I would say we tried to keep a normal life, getting vaccinated was such a relief. But when I go out, I still wear a mask. Sometimes there are some activities held in the garden behind our apartment. We all need to wear a mask while talking. For sure getting vaccinated can make things better.
Interviewer: What are you looking forward to?
Zhang Meng Chen: Staying healthy, living a happy life and being cheerful in life. To have a good healthy body, that’s all that matters. Both of us are old people now, it’s important to take care of ourselves and stay healthy. So, our children don’t have to worry about us too much and they can live their life happily too. We like watching TV and browsing short videos. Maybe in the future we can go out shopping but of course wearing a mask.
Interviewer: What about you, Mrs. Chen?
Wan Ling Ma: I am thinking the same as my husband. Hoping the pandemic will pass soon so our family can reunite. Over the past year, my grandkids only visited us twice. They didn’t go in the house for our birthdays. My children and grandkids drove to our apartment and stopped at the garage. We only took some photos together without gathering at home. So, they only visited us twice over the last year. Now there’s another wave, we’re both scared. But it’s good that we can still have our classes at the senior center; they’re 5 days a week. Our life is full and happy. Our classes are from Monday to Friday, exercises, singing, computer, etc., we take a class almost every day. It’s satisfying. And we can still speak Chinese, otherwise it would be difficult for us to catch up in English.
Zhang Meng Chen: Our grandkid had classes online. (Showing his phone, a recording) Doing math homework, 5 years old now, preparing to start elementary school.
Interviewer: Is there anything that has surprised you about how your community is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?
Zhang Meng Chen: Well, our community required us to wear a mask and quarantine. Keeping a distance. We all followed the instructions and procedures. We don’t even go to the activity room. It’s closed. Including the entertainment room. We don’t play mahjong and table tennis anymore because they are all closed. We all follow the rules and instructions. To keep everyone safe and stay healthy, that’s all that matters.
Interviewer: If you could give advice to younger people, or yourself when you were younger what would it be?
Zhang Meng Chen: I would advise young people to get vaccinated and wear a mask. Some people always emphasize “freedom,” but what they did was just ignore other people’s safety. They don’t get vaccinated or wear masks. I saw the news on TV, they don’t wear masks on the street. What’s worse, those people who don’t wear masks beat up those who do. They’ve tried to discriminate against them. These kinds of behaviors are really bad. I think they should act on the government’s call and get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated is the ultimate way to protect yourself, wearing a mask and keeping distance are also the ways to protect everyone. Not only to yourself but everyone. We should all promote this kind of public morality.
Interviewer: So, what has been surprising to you about getting older?
Zhang Meng Chen: Well staying healthy is the most important thing when you are getting older. Try not to get sick and again, have a healthy body. My wife and I didn't have to visit any doctors in the past year. Staying healthy. Getting older leads to other diseases, like hypertension and high cholesterol. I made a call to the pharmacy, asking them for some prescriptions from our family doctors. It took around 3 months to get that delivered. This situation is the most ideal. If we get sick, then we have to bother our children to drive us to hospital and see the doctors, which is too much trouble. But by having a healthy body, we can reduce so many burdens for the kids. We keep a healthy body then we can have a happy life. Only then can we do whatever we like. So, for senior citizens, having a healthy body is very important.
Interviewer: How has technology changed your life? For example, are those computer classes help you to improve your quality of life?
Zhang Meng Chen and Wan Ling Ma: (both speak at the same time): Wow, it makes a big change in our life! Without technology, our seniors' lives would be so boring.
Zhang Meng Chen: With technology, we can do so many more things at home without going out. For example, my wife likes singing so she attends singing classes twice a week. But I like learning about computers, and I will jot down notes during the class. My teacher is Ms. Liu, they are very good and taught us to make videos and how to record them, so we can download the videos and review them. Our homework was being graded and we were very happy about it. Especially during the pandemic, those classes are super helpful for seniors to get to know more about technology. Technology enriched our lives and made each day happy. We won’t feel bored all the time since we have something to learn. Also, there is so much content on WeChat, if I see something interesting, I will keep playing if not then just swipe to the next one. We always video call our grandkids and daughter twice a week. My daughter sometimes would launch a family meeting and we could still talk with family members, which makes us really happy.
Interviewer: (hmm) I see. So, you both live in San Francisco, where do your kids live?
Zhang Meng Chen and Wan Ling Ma: They live in SF too.
Interviewer: What would you say are the major values or principles that you live by?
Zhang Meng Chen: (both are laughing) Well, the principle is to be happy about life and care for each other. It’s essential that a family presents a united front. Families should care and help each other, live harmoniously and happily. Manage your relationship with your children, and of course, stay in touch with your other family members and relatives. Strengthen communication. Both of us have a big family. In the Chen family, we have around 20 people. My wife’s family, she’s the only girl and the others are all her brothers. In total we have around 50 people in this big family. Now we can only talk on WeChat. But before the pandemic, our family would gather for all kinds of festivals, such as Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival. Wow, at that time, it was very busy in my home. So always care for each other and …
(Wan Ling Ma:: and take care of oneself.)
Interviewer: What about you Mrs. Chen? What would you say are the major values or principles that you live by?
Wan Ling Ma: To me, having a healthy body and household harmony are most valuable. Hope the country will remain peaceful, less turbulence. I hope the pandemic will end soon so we can have our normal life back. Right now, we can’t really go out.
Interviewer: What things do you find yourself doing that you said you’d never do?
Zhang Meng Chen: During a pandemic, everyone should take care and help each other, this is important. Especially now you can see lots of discrimination and violence in society and that terrifies us a lot. We are afraid to go out because of this, especially for the elderly. Half of them would rather stay at home instead of going out. You may get beaten up or get robbed by strangers. We’ve never faced such a fearful social phenomenon before. But, since the pandemic spread, these discriminatory behaviors were reflected too. I believe it has had an evil effect on society.
Interviewer: So recently there are more and more hate crimes against Asian since COVID, right?
Zhang Meng Chen and Wan Ling Ma: Yes
Interviewer: What have you done lately that made you happy?
Zhang Meng Chen: Well, I can go for a walk and enjoy the sunshine in my garden. I didn’t go out in the street so the garden would be a good place for me to relax. I meet up with other neighbors from the apartment to chat. People used to live next door before. We didn’t leave our home at that time, not to mention going out in the street. But right now, we all get vaccinated and wear a mask. Going out for a walk in the garden and enjoying the sunshine is good.
Talking with people and doing some exercises makes me very happy. There are people playing table tennis and mahjong as well. My wife and I focus on doing exercises, or sometimes talking with neighbors, and we are already very happy about it.
Interviewer: Umm, how often do you exercise in a week?
Zhang Meng Chen: We have our zoom classes at home twice a week, which was organized by the community. If the weather is good, then we go out for a walk in the garden twice or three times a week to enjoy the sunshine. That’s our fun time!
Interviewer: What did you learn from your computer class?
Zhang Meng Chen: Wow, I learned a lot from the class. For example, tapping on the maps app on the phone to check the route, checking the bus schedule so I know when the bus would arrive or if it was delayed. We also know how to edit and make videos, like making a film. Ms. Liu taught us how to make a short video. After making it, we know how to download it for future review with iMovie. I shared the video with my grandkids to watch together. We also know how to edit photos using the Meitu app. For example, I can add my photo with any background I want, then I can pretend I visited that place. (giggling) I thought I could keep it as something to remember. I always review the edited photos when I’m free. So yeah, we learned a lot about computers. We now know how to delete irrelevant storage on WeChat and clear the cache.
Ms. Liu is very patient, explaining everything to us when we don’t understand how to use it. I study very hard and take notes during the class.
Wan Ling Ma: (laughing) Yes, he is very hard-working, and he takes good notes.
Zhang Meng Chen: Every time when the teacher taught me a new skill, I would always take notes to review and to test myself. We also have homework to do but we really enjoy doing it.
Interviewer: So, what about you Mrs. Chen? What did you learn? What was your occupation in the past?
Wan Ling Ma: I used to be a nurse. After joining my husband’s factory, I took a year off to go to school. Then I became a doctor, and I could prescribe medications to patients. Before we came to the U.S. I already had my certification.
Zhang Meng Chen: I was a college student back in Mainland China, then became an engineer. Business management is my strength. We had a factory, and my main duty was to manage its operation, all the time.
Interviewer: Could you describe one of the most defining moments in your life?
Zhang Meng Chen: (laughing) Haha, the most defining moments in life? I think the most defining moment would be happily living every day. Even if you encounter any problems, just overcome them. Live happily and enjoy the rest of your life. Just enjoy life.
Interviewer: I am 36 years old now, what advice would you share with me?
Zhang Meng Chen: Oh, you are 36 years old now? You are still in the prime of life and you will have a bright future. As parents, take the responsibility and be a good one. Pay more attention to the elderly and care for them. If you notice the elderly are facing some problems, maybe you can report the problems to help improve things. Also, take care of the elderly as a way of contributing to society.
And of course, contribute to the country, especially for young people, you carry the responsibility but I’m sure there’s a bright future awaiting you. Be passionate about what you do. As long as you love your job, you will be successful one day. Then you can contribute to society.
And, thank you for caring about us.
Interviewer: What about you, Mrs. Chen?
Wan Ling Ma: You are a medical worker, and I think it’s important for healthcare workers to be caring. I am also one of them, and I have worked in the industry for more than 25 years. I came to the U.S. when I was 47 years old. I graduated from medical school when I was 21 and continued to work in the medical field for more than 25 years. After I came to the U.S. I also worked in a healthcare center for around 16 years.
I always believe that anyone in the medical field needs to have a kind heart and we also know lots of things. Back when I worked at the healthcare center, I always took the initiative to greet the elderly, like “How are you feeling today?”
I could immediately see if the senior’s condition is good or not, I would arrange hospitalization for them. We have learned lots in the medical field, we can not only apply that at work but also in how to take care of people. Be kind and be caring. I guess that’s all.
Interviewer: Did you do any volunteer work?
Wan Ling Ma: Well, even if we wanted to be volunteers, nobody would recruit us. But at our senior apartments, everybody knows me – Mrs. Chen. Any issues they would all report to me. For example, now we have food deliveries arranged by the community, like once a week. Once we know their arrival time, I will immediately go check it.
I like to take care of everything, and people always complimented me as a caring lady. If our neighbors encounter any difficulties, I’m the first person they call.
Like “Hey Mrs. Chen, the laundry I hung out to dry is missing! What should I do?” They would come to seek help.
One day, they were going to deliver free food to a senior who is pretty old and can hardly walk. Because there are 17 packages for the whole apartment, it’s a lot.
We had a dolly in our garage, so we helped them to deliver food to each household. Well, I really enjoy doing this because it can help people. (laughing)
So, everyone comes to me when they have any problems. Like the other day, they told me there’s a person sitting in front of the door not wearing a mask talking on the phone. What are they doing? Then I will go check it.
In our community, we don’t have a leader here, but I just like to help people. Then everyone started to come to me if they needed help.
Zhang Meng Chen: We both are too old to go out doing volunteer work. But in our apartment, my wife is an excellent social worker to us. My wife likes to care for people. If someone needs a delivery or to make a call, they all come to visit my wife, asking for help.
It’s not just complimenting myself, but this is a fact. I’m sort of the highest educated in this neighborhood. If others have difficulty reading a letter in English, even though I’m not fluent in that language, I can still help them to translate by using the computer.
Then I can explain to them. So, we are kind of doing volunteer work.
Because of COVID, no social worker came to visit us. But before COVID, they’d always come here. So, without the help of the social workers, some seniors don’t know how to read letters, especially in English.
Then they will come to ask us. We feel happy that we can still help others to solve problems. We mostly did this kind of volunteer work, which is very meaningful to us.
Interviewer: This is awesome. You guys help each other like a big family, right?
Wan Ling Ma: Yes.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time, and for sharing. It is very valuable. I learned a lot from you. Thank you for your time again. Is there anything you would like to share with us?
Zhang Meng Chen: No worries. The nurses from UCSF are very kind. They are not just learning but also spending time doing social work. In the past, they’d always come by to give us an injection and test our blood pressure. They really care about us.
Most of the people who have visited us are from UCSF, around once to twice per week. Both the students and the nurses are good, studying and helping others at the same time. I really appreciate this kind of education and their kind hearts.
Thank you so much for taking care of us, especially to the nurses from the UCSF.
Interviewer: Thank you! Talk to you next time, bye bye!
Zhang Meng Chen and Wife: Bye bye!