Marcia Peterzell | 82
Marcia Peterzell was born into a Jewish family in a community in New York that was not welcoming or accepting of Jews, and into a household where she experienced abuse. These experiences radicalized her early. Her next moment of radicalization was reading the Feminine Mystique, which “liberated her life”, as a married woman with two young children. Her anti-war activism intensified and her marriage did not survive. She dedicated herself further to progressive and anti-war activities and the second big shift in her life occurred. She met a woman that she fell in love with and came out as a lesbian. They moved to San Francisco and here she has been a community organizer and an educator. “My politics has been my work and my work has been my politics.”
Interview date: 8/6/2020
Interviewed by: Judy Goddess
Referred by: Patti Spaniak Davidson
Marcia Peterzell at a Keep Us Connected event to advocate for older adults and those with disabilities to get better access to computers and internet connectivity. Photo courtesy of Marcia Peterzell.
Marcia Peterzell (left) and her partner, Linda. Photo courtesy of Marcia Peterzell.
Photo courtesy of Marcia Peterzell.