Judy Goddess | 83
Judy Goddess, PhD, has been an inspiration and contributor to this project, as well as someone we profiled because of her passion for raising the visibility of issues affecting older people in SF. She is a prolific contributor to SF Senior Beat, an online magazine focused on issues affecting older adults. She frequently writes profiles for the magazine. So you will see that she not only interviewed several participants for this project, she recommended many more. She is an activist and we are all lucky that she has turned her energy to improving life for SF’s older adults. We are so glad to know and work with you, Judy!
Interview date: 6/20/20
Interviewed by: Anna Chodos
Referred by: Marie Jobling
Edited by Calibrate Films and True Medusa Pictures. Music by Soundology.
Photo courtesy of Judy Goddess.
Photo courtesy of Judy Goddess.
Photo courtesy of Judy Goddess.