Fanny Krieger | 91
Fanny Krieger is a proud founder and President of the Golden West Women Flyfishers. She was introduced to the sport through her husband, Mel Krieger, and they shared a passion for it together throughout their lives together (he died in 2008). And she has excelled in the sport and given countless other women the opportunity to learn it. Fanny loves San Francisco for its culture and its proximity to the ocean and mountains. She enjoys long walks with companions, which make the walk more enjoyable. Fanny’s story is also one of overcoming adversity. She is Jewish and she was born and raised in France, where, when she was fourteen years old, her parents and little sister were taken by the Germans while she was at school. She hid for several nights in a barn before being taken in and given a place to hide by her school’s headmistress. Three years later, she was on her way to the United States from France, alone. Her family did not survive.
Interview date: 2/21/21
Interviewed by: Anna Chodos
Referred by: Na'ama Firestone
Edited by True Medusa Pictures. Music by Soundology.
Photo courtesy of Fanny Krieger.
Photo courtesy of Fanny Krieger.
Photo courtesy of Fanny Krieger.