Sister Vivian Diana Vaccari | 92
Sister Vivian Vaccari is a nun and lives in an assisted living community with other nuns (including Rosemary McKean, who we also talked to). She uses oxygen for a lung condition and a wheelchair for mobility. Her parents were from Italy and she is a first generation American. She loves the progressiveness of San Francisco and that technology kept her connected to family during the most isolating parts of the pandemic.
Interview date: 03/29/2022
Interviewed by: Lorina Sthapit
Referred by: Dr. Jocelyn Ko, On Lok PACE Program
Edited by Lorina Sthapit and True Medusa Pictures. Music by Soundology.
Photo by Lorina Sthapit.
Photo courtesy of Sr. Vivian Vaccari.
Photo courtesy of Sr. Vivian Vaccari.
Photo courtesy of Sr. Vivian Vaccari.